
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes Profile Biography Artist.
Biodata Katie Holmes, profile and biography sexy American women hot artist hollywood :
Full name : Katie Holmes
Nick name/celeb name : Katherine Noelle Holmes
Sex : Female
Place of birth : Toledo, Ohio, U.S
Date of birth : December 18, 1978

Kate Noelle "Katie" Holmes was born in Toledo, Ohio United States on 12 , 18, 1978 is surely an American actress which first achieved popularity for her role because Joey Potter on The WB television teen drama Dawson's Creek from 1998 to 2003. Her motion picture roles have ranged coming from art house films such as The Ice Storm to thrillers such as Give up to blockbusters such as Superman Begins.

Katie Holmes commenced publicly known by means of her role because Josephine Joey Potter in the Tv set series, DAWSON'S CREEK inside 1998.

In early 2005, Holmes began a highly promoted relationship with actor or actress Tom Cruise. In June, two months once they first met, Holmes and Cruise were engaged. Their relationship produced Holmes the subject of international media attention, much of that negative, including conjecture the relationship was a publicity stunt to promote the actual couple's films.

Holmes, who had been brought up as a Roman Catholic, joined up with the Church of Scientology shortly after the couple commenced dating. On 04 18, 2006, Holmes gave birth to their daughter, Suri. On November 18, 2007, she and Cruise trip married in Italy.
Holmes love life before relationship with Cruise, may be passed in an affair with actor Bob Klein and Joshua Jackson.


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